Soil and Nutrients
List of Diseases and Crops Supported in CropX Disease Feature
These are the currently supported crops and diseases detected as of July 27, 2023
Textural Triangle – Soil Properties
Textural Triangle – Soil Properties Click here for a link to download the textural triangle that we use in our training. Below is an image of what you should see after you download the tool and begin working with it. It will originally be black and ...
Soil Textures and Water Content VWC and Inches per Foot
Soil Textures and Water Content VWC and Inches per Foot Field Capacity Wilting Point 50% FC Inches/ft 50% VWC % VWC% Depletion AWC Depletion Sand 10% 5% 7.5% 0.70 0.35 Loamy Sand 12% 5% 8.5% 1.10 0.55 Sandy Loam 18% 8% 13.0% 1.40 0.70 Sandy Clay Loam ...
How do I Calculate Bulk Density?
The formula below is a helpful tool when calculating your Bulk Density Was this article helpful? Tags: soil and nutrients soil data PreviousHow Many Pounds of Nitrogen will I get when I Irrigate? Next ArticleHow can I use the Sensor Data to Help me ...
How Many Pounds of Nitrogen will I get when I Irrigate?
How Many Pounds of Nitrogen will I get when I Irrigate? How many lbs of N will get when I irrigate? lb./acre = 0.23 x Cw x Di where, Cw = concentration of nitrate-nitrogen in the irrigation water (ppm) Di = depth of irrigation water applied (inches) ...
How can I use the sensor data to help me with Nitrogen loss probabilities?
How can I use the sensor data to help me with Nitrogen loss probabilities? a. You may be able to see the N being leached through the soil with the EC graphs. I’ve noticed several fields with course texture soils with significant increase trends in ...