Welcome to CropX!
We've prepared a Quick Start guide to help you get up and running with CropX. All you need before you begin is a CropX account. If you don't have one, sign up now!
Through these steps, you will:
The steps we recommend are:
FIRST: We recommend reviewing our Onboarding Videos.
These videos will walk you through our product overview, hardware, software, agronomy, pro-tips, and installation recommendations.
SECOND: If you're getting ready for the season, watch our Sensor Installation Video and Pre-Season Prep Webinar.
THIRD: Check out the App Setup section of our Help Center to learn how to draw fields, add crops, etc.
FOURTH: Familiarize yourself with the different sections of the Help Center, including Troubleshooting the CropX Sensor, Troubleshooting CropX Readings, and our Agronomy Center.