How Much Water Will I be Putting on?

How Much Water Will I be Putting on?

How Much Water Will I be Putting on?

It is important to know how much water you are placing with turn. This formula can help you calculate this important information.

How much will I be putting on?                            
    Idepth  =   [ Qpump x Trevolution ] / [ 450 x Area ]                        
    Idepth           =   depth applied per revolution, inches                        
    Qpump         =   irrigation system flow rate, gallons per  minute                        
    Trevolution    =   revolution time, hours                        
    Area            =   irrigated area, acres                        
    450              =   conversion constant                        
    System flow rate    675    Gallons per minute                
    Revolution time    40.84    Hours per revolution                
    Irrigated area    130    Acres                
    Conversion Constant    450    Constant                
    Total amount of water    0.47    Inches per acre   

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