How to Draw and Create a Field

How to Draw and Create a Field

How to Draw and Create a Field

Fields can be drawn on both the web and mobile app, although we recommend drawing them on web since it’s easier with a bigger screen and a mouse.
We also recommend drawing a field before sensor installation to create a smoother process.


Create a Field on the Web (ends at 2:18)

Create a Field on Mobile

Creating and Drawing a Field in CropX

Step 1: Create an Account

  1. If you haven’t already, create an account for yourself and for the grower you are setting up the field for.
  2. Navigate to and create an account.
  3. Once your account is created, log in to access your dashboard.

Step 2: Create a New Farm

1.     From your dashboard, click on the green “New” button. This button is accessible from any screen on your dashboard.

2.     Create as many “Farms” as needed to keep fields organized. All fields will need to be listed under a farm.

a)     Some users may only need one farm, but others that are managing multiple fields may choose to list them under different farm names depending on their location.

b)     Best Management Practice: It is recommended to match your CropX naming structure to any other precision tools used (i.e. CNH, Trimble, JD Ops). This practice ensures that machine data will flow seamlessly, and data will remain organized.

Step 2: Create a New Field

  1. From your dashboard, click on the green “New” button. This button is accessible from any screen in your dashboard.
  2. Select ‘Field’.
  3. Choose the farm you wish to list the field under.

Step 3: Draw or Upload a Field Map

6.     You will have two options:

    • Draw fields on the map
    • Upload a file (supported file formats will be listed)
  1. Locate the field location on the map by:
    • Zooming in manually, OR
    • Entering an address in the Search Map field.

Step 4: Drawing the Field Boundaries

8.      Under Draw Shape, choose from the available options:

    • Rectangle
    • Circle
    • Semicircle
    • Polygon
  1. Click on the map to outline the boundaries of the field using the selected shape tool.

Step 5: Finalizing the Field

10.  Once you are satisfied with the field boundaries, name the field and assign it to the correct farm.

  1. If everything looks correct, click “Save” at the bottom of the page.

Step 6: Additional Recommendations

12.   At this stage, we recommend adding all pertinent field operations to ensure complete and accurate field data.

Important Notes:

If a sensor is installed in a location that is not inside a field boundary, you will see it labeled as an Unassigned sensor and you will not be able to add field data or use CropX insights and features such as satellite data, GDD, irrigation prescriptions and more. 

Once you draw a field around the unassigned sensor, the sensor will link to the new field. Add the field to a new or existing Farm.

Remember that most features within a field can be modified – the crop, soil type, irrigation type, farm it is under, or even the users it’s shared with. If you’d like to modify the boundaries or delete the field, check out this article.

    CropX User Guide

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