Season Summary Reports

Season Summary Reports

Season Summary Reports- CropX Web

A season summary report (in PDF format) contains moisture readings represented through different graphs (profile sum, VWC, stacked sensors, etc.) and other information, such as crop data, weather data, and recommendations given/received. 

Add Logo to Report

Branding is a great way to promote your dealership. With CropX, you can customize seasonal reports with your logo.

2. If you’ve never created a report, the first page will be “Create a New Report.” If you have, you’ll see past reports and can click the plus on the top-right.

3. Select the account or user you would like to generate a report for.

4. Once the user is selected, you can select which fields you want to run and the reporting period you want. Selecting “Season” as your date range will provide you with data from the entire installation period.
5. Run the Report
6. You will see a message that says that the report will be sent to your email, check your email and click on the link “link_report” to download the file.
7. The report is saved under the reports tab, so if you’d like to download it later, or don’t have an email attached to your username, enter the reports section, click on the report, and it will automatically download.

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