Setting Initial Setpoints (especially in Dry Soils)

Setting Initial Setpoints (especially in Dry Soils)

Setting initial setpoints can be difficult when installing in dry soil. Our algorithm performs best when soil moisture is at field capacity during installation, but dry springs lead to more dry soil installations. We now offer an optional 'Moisture Level' input from customers to adjust initial setpoints. 

During installation, there is an optional field called 'Moisture Level.' You can use the dropdown list to select the soil moisture level at the time of installation. 
Selecting the moisture level at install

Setpoint Initialization: 
‘Moisture Level’ inputs are mapped into three categories: 
  1. Full –Includes ‘Oversaturated’ and ‘At full point’ options. 
  2. Optimal – Includes only the ‘Optimal’ option. 
  3. Refill – Includes ‘At refill’, ‘Below refill’ and ‘Dry’ options. 

We update the field capacity values based on the categories: 

Full: For this category, we maintain the algorithm's field capacity value as it works well with current soil moisture. We adjust the algorithm type to control how field capacity decreases over time. Customer input boosts confidence in the algorithm's initial value, so it is treated as a baseline that shouldn't be lowered. 

Optimal: In Optimal, the ideal range is between the refill and full levels. We recalculate field capacity by treating the algorithm's original field capacity as the midpoint between the new field capacity and the new refill point. 

Refill: In Refill, the old field capacity value is defined as the new refill value. From the refill value, the new field capacity is calculated.  

Examples of refill, optimal, and full

Review how setpoints work and how to set your initial setpoints after install:

    CropX User Guide

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