View Graphs Types and Tools

View Graphs Types and Tools

The data gathered from our soil moisture sensors will be interpreted and displayed in the following graphs:

  • VWC Graph: The amount of moisture each sensor is measuring as a percentage. 
  • Profile Sum Graph: The amount of moisture measured in the entire soil profile as well as full and refill points. The soil moisture status bar uses this graph to display yesterday's, today's, and tomorrow's moisture. 
  • Root Zone Sum Graph: Require manual setup. Most useful when managing a shallow rooted crop. Root zoot sum only measures moisture available in the effective root zone.
  • Stacked Sensor Graph: Displays the volumetric water content (VWC) in a stacked format, per sensor depth.
  • Electrical Conductivity (EC): Displays the EC (ability of soil to conduct an electrical current, and is influenced by the presence of ions in the soil) at each sensor depth. This can be useful for identifying nutrient movement through the soil, and salinity management.
  • Temperature: Displays the temperature at each sensor.
How to View Sensor Graphs on the Web:
      1) Start on the overview (home) page. 
      2) Select 'Fields' from the menu bar on the top of the page.
      3) Click on the field you wish to view. 
      4) From the left-hand menu, select 'Sensor Data' under the 'My Field' section. 
      5) All graphs are now viewable. 
      6) To expand a graph, click on the top right hand of the graph card. (This symbol )

How to View Sensor Graphs on the Mobile App:
      1) Start on the overview (home) page. 
      2) Select 'Fields' from the bottom menu bar. 
      3) Find the field you wish to view graphs for. 
      4) Click on the 'Graphs' button on the bottom of the sensor card.
      5) Use your finger to slide up on the graphs tab. 
      6) Slide left or right on the menu bar to select 'profile sum', 'moisture', or any other graphs you wish to view. 

Useful Tools for Analyzing Graphs on the Web:
      1) The Ruler Tool: 
            a. Expand on the graph you wish to measure.
            b. Select 'Ruler' from the 'Actions' menu on the right-hand of the screen. 
            c. Click and drag on the part of the graph you wish to measure. 
            d. Release click to see view the box with the output. 
      2) The Zoom Tool:
            a. Expand on the graph you wish to zoom in on. 
            b. Click and continue holding while dragging on the area you wish to view. A blue shaded box should appear. 
            c. Release the click. The graph should now to be zoomed.
            d. Select 'Reset Zoom' on the top right-side of the graph to exit out. 

Useful Tools for Analyzing Graphs on the Mobile App:
      1) Data Measurement Tool
            a. Select the graph you wish to view.
            b. Drag your finger across the graph.
            c. The date and data above the graph will change dependent on where you drag your finger. 

Need more help? View the videos below.

How to View Sensor Graphs on the Web

Using Graph Tools on the Web

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