Why do I see “Moisture status unavailable due to missing data” on my app homepage?

Why do I see “Moisture status unavailable due to missing data” on my app homepage?

Why do I see “Moisture status unavailable due to missing data” on my homepage?

There are two reasons you can see this screen, either on the web app or on mobile.
1. The sensor was installed in the last 24-48 hours which means the app is still calculating the appropriate set points. It may take up to around 48 hours for the moisture status to update, however you can see the all the data under the Graphs tab.
2. The sensor is installed in sandy/gravelly low moisture soil where the moisture is less than 5% VWC. We’re working on updating the algorithm’s set point calculation for moisture values this low, but currently you can manually update the set points or ask the support team to help you add the set points. Contact support at support@cropx.com or call us at 650-265-0208.

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