Why is my probe showing abnormally high water infiltration rates?

Why is my probe showing abnormally high water infiltration rates?

Why is my probe showing abnormally high water infiltration rates?

There are few things that can be happening.
  1. Air pocket- A small pocket of air around the probe can fill with water during a water event and indicate a huge increase in moisture. Even though it may only be happening at 1 sensor the Sum Graph can be skewed quite a lot. The main thing is to watch each sensor increase during the event and see if a lower sensor increase much more than another sensor and then decreases dramatically again as the water leaves the pocket.
  2. Tillage-Deep tillage sometime leaves a open channel below ground that moves water directly to the probe.
  3. Preferential Pathway- This occurs when path to the probe from out around the probe leads more water to the probe. Cracks around the probe can cause this in clay soils. Rodents or other organisms can also cause this by creating macro channels that end up funneling water directly to the probe, by passing natural infiltration.
  4. Runoff- If the probe is in a low spot or at the bottom of a hillside, then the probe will receive more water than the rest of the field.
  5. Sub Irrigation- This may occur more on lighter soils, but underground water moving up from below can cause higher moisture contents around the probe and cause some of the deeper sensor to increase in moisture without out actually receiving any rainfall or irrigation.
  6. High Residue- Some reduced tillage fields will allow reside to dam up around the probe and cause the water to pond around the housing. This can cause an unusually high infiltration that is not representative of the rest of the field.
  7. Poor Probe Placement- Probes placed in a low spots that receive additional runoff will distort the actual water intake and not be representative of the field. 
  8. Poor Probe Installation- The tripod system will often leave a small indentation around the probe access tube. This needs to be filled in or water will accumulate around the tube and overall water infiltration will be increased. Also, if the access tube is allowed to wobble during installation the hole will be oblong instead of  perfectly round. This will allow water to flow down around the tube in openings that adjacent to the access tube.

Depending on what problem is causing this you may need to go to the field to fix the pathway or air pocket. To prevent Runoff or Sub Irrigation from causing this problem be careful in considering the factors that lead to this when placing the probe.

    CropX User Guide

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