Agronomic Training Resources
Setting Initial Setpoints (especially in Dry Soils)
Setting initial setpoints can be difficult when installing in dry soil. Our algorithm performs best when soil moisture is at field capacity during installation, but dry springs lead to more dry soil installations. We now offer an optional 'Moisture ...
Relationship between EC Graphs and Salinity Readings
Questions about the relationship between EC graphs and salinity readings, and how factors like acids, fertilizers, drip line cleaners, etc., influence these readings, are common. Here, we'll delve deeper into these explanations. Common questions ...
GDU’s Explained
Sep 2012 URL: Interpreting Corn Hybrid Maturity Ratings R.L. (Bob) Nielsen Agronomy Dept., Purdue Univ. West Lafayette, IN 47907-2054 Email address: rnielsen at Fig. 1. Kernel black ...
Soil Textures and Water Content VWC and Inches per Foot
Soil Textures and Water Content VWC and Inches per Foot Field Capacity Wilting Point 50% FC Inches/ft 50% VWC % VWC% Depletion AWC Depletion Sand 10% 5% 7.5% 0.70 0.35 Loamy Sand 12% 5% 8.5% 1.10 0.55 Sandy Loam 18% 8% 13.0% 1.40 0.70 Sandy Clay Loam ...
How Many Pounds of Nitrogen will I get when I Irrigate?
How Many Pounds of Nitrogen will I get when I Irrigate? How many lbs of N will get when I irrigate? lb./acre = 0.23 x Cw x Di where, Cw = concentration of nitrate-nitrogen in the irrigation water (ppm) Di = depth of irrigation water applied (inches) ...
How can I use the sensor data to help me with Nitrogen loss probabilities?
How can I use the sensor data to help me with Nitrogen loss probabilities? a. You may be able to see the N being leached through the soil with the EC graphs. I’ve noticed several fields with course texture soils with significant increase trends in ...
How Long Should I Wait if I want to Refill the Profile and not have Runoff or Leaching?
How Long Should I Wait if I want to Refill the Profile and not have Runoff or Leaching? A key component of water management is ensuring that the water you use does not end up being wasted as runoff. This formula can help you avoid this situation. How ...
Scheduling Last Irrigation Guide
How To: Scheduling Your Last Irrigation Water savings can be maximized throughout a growing season by knowing when to schedule your last irrigation. When should I schedule my last irrigation? Irrigations Left = (WN -ra) – (WB – MWB) WN Where: ra = ...
Why am I Seeing so much Fluctuation in my VIC Graphs?
It is important to remember that VIC is about long-term trends and not about daily activity. The VIC is affected by the VWC of the soil, and if you use vertical rulers to measure it, you will see that there are differences in VWC, which affects the ...
Why is my probe showing abnormally high water infiltration rates?
Why is my probe showing abnormally high water infiltration rates? There are few things that can be happening. Air pocket- A small pocket of air around the probe can fill with water during a water event and indicate a huge increase in moisture. Even ...
Why is the Average Daily Water Use on my probe so high?
Why is the Average Daily Water Use on my probe so high? After a rain event and drainage, the Average daily use can be high. Drainage- After a rain or irrigation event drainage occurs. During the next 24 and sometimes 48 hours the Daily Water Change ...